Logotipo Telefónica


A new logo as modern as the Company itself. After 60 years with the map of Spain, we are moving to a simple and visual design with a very similar touch to the one that identifies Telefónica in the year of its Centenary.

60 years later, we change our logo


During these years, Telefónica was undergoing a determined process of industrial modernisation and technological renewal. And all this was symbolised externally by a change of logo in 1984, the company's 60th birthday. It was the first change of the logo, replacing the one created in 1926. The original logo no longer represented the new spirit and technological image of the company. It introduced the colour green and blue, and with the 10 T-shaped dots contained in a circle, it suggested modernity. It was reminiscent of the keypad dialling of the new generation of telephones in those days. With this change, we were anticipating the liberalising trends that were already beginning to spread across Europe.

60 años después, cambiamos de logo

A first digital telephone exchange with a long history


The first fully electronic and digital telephone exchange (Standard Electric's System 12) was inaugurated in 1984 in Salamanca and had a capacity of 10,000 subscribers. This is the first step in the digitalisation of the Spanish grid, soon to be replaced by Rotary and the more modern relay exchanges. Electronic exchanges open the door to broadband communications essential for multimedia voice, data and image services. As a curiosity, it is worth mentioning the historic building that houses this exchange, the Palace of Alonso de Solís, which in 1543 hosted the wedding of no less than two princes: the future Philip II and Princess Maria Manuela of Portugal. Although it dates back to the 16th century, it was the first building in Salamanca with a reinforced concrete structure. And another anecdote: Concepción Hernández, a young telephonist who was chosen by CTNE as the image for its advertising campaigns, worked at this exchange.

Una primera central telefónica digital con mucha historia

The beginning of virtual private networks


A new business communications service, Ibercom, begins to enjoy considerable success in 1984. It consists of offering corporate customers the installation of virtual private networks, custom-designed for each company. With a completely virtual structure, both in switching and transmission, we were able to contract 15,000 lines in a short period of time.

Ibertex, nueva red Ibercom servicios para empresas

Anuncio Ibercom

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