

We entered the mobile business in Costa Rica, strengthening our position in Central America. In the field of entrepreneurship and innovation, Wayra, a global startup accelerator, is born. And Lang Lang, considered the best classical pianist in the world, is the Company's new ambassador.

New winds are blowing: Wayra


In the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, Wayra, a global startup accelerator, was created in 2011. Wayra means an open view of the world and talent, a commitment to collaboration. The term Wayra comes from the Quechua language of the Peruvian Andes and means "wind". In 2021 it celebrated its tenth birthday, a decade of uninterrupted investment in 800 startups in leading projects in all fields.

José María Álvarez Pallete en Wayra

We make our debut in Costa Rica


Telefónica enters the Costa Rican mobile telephony business in 2011 when it was awarded two spectrum slots. It is a further step in strengthening our position in Central America, a region where the company has extensive knowledge and experience. It already has 6.6 million accesses in El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Panama.

Cobertura Movistar en Costa Rica

Lang Lang, Telefónica's new big signing


In 2011, Telefónica linked its brand "to the best classical pianist in the world", Chinese pianist Lang. The prestigious pianist becomes the ambassador of the institutional brand and the values that Telefónica wants to promote in its public activity: technological knowledge, commitment to sustainable growth and social responsibility, the ambition to change the world through talent in all areas and a clear international vocation.

Lang Lang

We are global in a digital world


With the aim of accelerating our transformation, two new units have been created in Telefónica to support the two major regions in which we operate: Europe and Latin America. • Telefónica Digital, focused on capturing all the growth opportunities offered by the digital world. • Telefónica Global Resources, with a focus on increasing efficiency and sustainability, leveraging our scale, and offering simpler and faster responses.

Somos globales en un mundo digital


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